Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Student Practice #52 - Dashes

Expert Sentence:
In Maycomb, grown men stood outside in the front yard for only two reasons:  death and politics.

JChapps’ Sentence:
In the Shire, halflings gathered around the front of their hobbit holes for only two reasons:  food and drink.

Lily’s Sentence:
At the podiums, Hillary and Donald got ready for just two reasons: debate and politics.

Eli’s Sentence-
In my family, we only celebrate in the house for two events: holidays and birthdays.                                                            

Alex’s Sentence:
In a warehouse, thirty men gathered outside of the door for two reasons: money and food.                                                

Sydney’s sentence
In New York, young girls went shopping in the city for two reasons: clothes and shoes.

Ethan’s Sentence
In Florida, surfers stood outside on the beach for two reasons: a tan and waves.

Erin’s Sentence:
In town, young girls walked alongside each other on the sidewalk only two times: in the morning and afternoon.

Mallory’s Sentence:
In Birmingham, stood a house with many leaves, and I was there for just one reason: to rake.

Nicholas’ Sentence:
In Birmingham, children overslept in their beds for only a couple of reasons: weekends and days off.

Charlotte’s Sentence
In Birmingham, many students joined together at Seaholm for one reason: to prepare for high school.

Sofia’s Sentence
In Birmingham, little children had recess in their classrooms because of two reasons: cold weather and snow.

Josh’s Sentence
In Birmingham, idiotic people only waited inside of the mall for two reasons: Black Friday and Chick-fil-A.

Jeremiah’s Sentence:
During the purge, they stayed in their homes for one reason: safety.

Katie’s Sentence:
At Forest Hills, young kids swam in the pool near the snack shack for only two reasons: joy and happiness.

Matt’s Sentence:
In Malibu, little kids ran inside in the large house with only two thoughts: fun and play.

Sana’s Sentence
In Mr. Chappell’s room, kids read and write inside his class with two only two reasons: education and grades.

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