Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Student Composed Sentences #038

Expert Sentence:
“Blast it, Jonny,” Dally growled as we flew along the red road, “why didn’t you think of turning yourself in five days ago?”

Lily’s Sentence:
“Quiet down, students,” the teacher demanded as the class worked through their tests, “how come you think you can continue talking throughout the whole assessment?”

Kellie’s Sentence:
“Be quiet, everyone,” the librarian whispered while we walked the other way, “why did you come to the library if you were going to talk?”

Will’s Sentence
“What the heck, kid?” I barked as I chased after a small child, “why don’t you go mess up someone else’s work?”

Maddie’s sentence
 “Shoot it, Olivia,” Kylie roared, as she ran up the muddy field, “why didn’t you take the shot before the other team got the ball?”

Catherine’s Sentence:
“Stop it, Emma,” Danny announced as we walked further down the dark street, “why do you always have to scare me everytime we come down this road?”

Sydney’s sentence
“Run faster, Ashley,” Sydney screamed as we flew down the long hallway, “why didn’t you think of locking up the dog this morning?”

Kieran's Sentence:
“Leave it, dog,”  Scrabbleberry Winkysten barked as the dog ate the toe fungus among the grey carpet,”why do you eat my toe fungus but not your own dog food every day?”

Nicholas’ Sentence
“Shoot it, John,” Jack yelled as the game progressed into the fourth quarter, “would we be in the lead if we had made more shots earlier?”

Jonny’s sentence:
“Darn it, Will,” the quarterback shouted as we walked over to the sideline, “how come you didn’t catch that ball for the winning touchdown?”

Elizabeth’s Sentence:
“Oh gosh, Sally,” Veronica gasped as she sped along the long corridor, “why didn’t we think of doing this before?”

Nyla’s Sentence
“Eat my dust, stupid,” Caden spat as we sprinted toward the finish line, “why would you ever think you could win against me in a race?”

Angela’s Sentence
“It’s very beautiful, Charlotte,” she said as she scanned the extravagant mural, “why would people with such talent use this much effort to hide it?”

Suzanne’s Sentence
“Help me, wanderer,” the weary man squawked while he wallowed amidst the rubble, “please… is there anyway you might be of assistance in finding my absent daughter?”

Brooke’s Sentence
“How are you, Father?” she whispered while walking quietly into the infected bedroom. “Do you think you could possibly have a cold, or maybe the flu?”

Jaida’s sentence
“Kick it, Jessica,” Jasmine yelled as they sled across the soccer field, “why didn't you make a goal when you had the chance?”

Marisa’s Sentence
“Come on, Max?” Nudge pleaded as they soared across the sky. “Can we please do one more airshow, just one more?”

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