Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The Outsiders Micro CERS #07

DUE:  Friday 12/7/18 by 3:15 PM


Randy says of his buddy's parents:

“They spoiled him rotten… they gave in to him all the time.  He kept trying to make someone say ‘No’ and they never did... That was what he wanted… For somebody to tell him, ‘No.'  To have somebody lay down the law, set the limits, give him something solid to stand on.  That’s what we all really want,” (116).  

Some might believe that Bob the Soc's parents' lack of discipline helped cause his death. If Bob’s parents had given him more consequences for his poor choices throughout his short life, do you think that that he would still be alive? 

Or, some might think that the way that Bob’s parents raised him had nothing to do with the violent, drunken bullying behavior that lead to his death.  Bad parenting had little or nothing to do with it.  He tormented the wrong boy one too many times -- and that boy snapped, murdering him.  Some might say that his parents had nothing to do with it.

Is Randy right in suggesting that poor parenting contributed to Bob’s murder?

Take a position and write a Micro CERS.

CLAIM (1 sentence) Mention the title, author and type of media.  Turn the prompt into a clear position.  

EVIDENCE (1 quote or idea) State the best evidence to support your claim.  It may be a quotation from the text, or the best single point to prove your argument.  *You may use the quote used in the prompt as evidence if you can't locate something better. 

REASONING (2 – 4 sentences) Use logic to explain and elaborate how your evidence proves your claim.

SYNTHESIS (1 sentence) Briefly restate the claim using different wording.

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