Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Criterion Options I and J - Arguments

*UPDATED - DUE on THURSDAY 3/24/16 (no school Friday)

OPTION I:  “Dog Sitting” (argument) CERS


Your neighbor is going out of town for several weeks and needs someone to take care of her dog.

She is considering either hiring you or taking the dog to a kennel.

Write a practice essay describing what you think your neighbor should do with her dog.

Give several reasons and examples to support what you recommend.

OPTION J:  Lengthening the School Year (argument) CERS


Many people think that students are not learning enough in school. 

They want to shorten most school vacations and make students spend more of the year in school. 

Other people think that lengthening the school year and shortening vacations is a bad idea because students use their vacations to learn important things outside of school. 

What is your opinion? 

Write a letter to your school board either in favor of or against lengthening the school year. 

Give specific reasons to support your opinion that will convince the school board to agree with you.