Monday, December 17, 2018

Board Work

Questions:  Can a subject compliment also be a prepositional phrase?

Answer: Yes!

Subject Complement

Prepositional phrases secondly function as subject complements. A subject complement is a word, phrase, or clause that follows a copular verb and describes the subject. The following italicized prepositional phrases are examples of subject complements:
  • The most magical time of night is after midnight.
  • The new museum display is out of this world.
  • My least favorite part of the workday is during the afternoon.

The Outsiders Micro CERS #11

Chapter 11

DUE Tomorrow, Tuesday 12/18/18 at 8:15 AM


When Randy visits Ponyboy and states that “…I kind of let him [my father] down, being mixed up in all of this,” (164). 

Does Randy feel more remorse because the murder has gone all the way to court, and his family is now embarrassed by his actions as a bully?  Or, does he feel more remorse because he shouldn’t have been tormenting and bullying Greasers in the first place?  Maybe he's learned from his mistakes. 

In other words, is Randy more upset because of the role he played in his friend’s a murder, or because he got caught? 

Take a position and write a Micro CERS.

CLAIM – Mention the title, author and type of media.  Turn the prompt into a clear position.  (1 sentence)

EVIDENCE – State the best evidence to support your claim.  It may be a quotation from the text, or the best single point to prove your argument.  (1 sentence)

REASONING – Use logic to explain and elaborate how your evidence proves your claim.  (2 – 4 sentences).

SYNTHESIS – Briefly restate the claim using different wording

End of Calendar Year Due Dates / Schedule

Monday –  Sentence #73,
                  Assign Micro CERS #11
                  Homework – Read Chapter 12 of the The Outsiders to prepare for final
                 Micro CERS #10 Due at 3:15 pm

Tuesday – Micro CERS Final & Matching Character Comprehension Test
                Micro CERS #11 Due at 8:15 am
                Micro CERS #12 & Comp Test Due at end of hour

Wednesday – Outsiders Screening
                Novel-to-Screen Activity (with Partners)
                Homework Creative Paragraph 4

Thursday – Outsiders Screening

Friday – Outsiders Screening
                Novel-to-Screen Activity Due at the end of class
                Creative Paragraph #4 Due at 3:15 pm

Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Outsiders Micro CERS #10

DUE Monday 12/17/18 at 3:15 pm

Chapter 10


In chapter 10, Dallas “Dally” Winston points an unloaded pistol at the police and is killed.  Ponyboy thinks, “Dallas Winston wanted to be dead, and he always got what he wanted… Johnny was right.  He died gallant,” (154). 

Do you agree with Ponyboy and think that Dally’s untimely death was inevitable? 

Or do you think something could have been done to save Dally from his own violent, self-destructive impulses?  

Take a position, gather the best evidence, and write a Micro CERS.

Back in Chapter 5 on page 76, Johnny and Ponyboy were talking about how the old Southerners in the novel Gone with the Wind were gallant as they rode their horses off into battle to face their deaths.  Consider the definition of what “gallant” means. 

Do you agree with Johnny and Ponyboy that Dally died “gallant?” 

Or do you think that Dally wasn’t particularly “gallant” in how he chose to die?

Take a position, gather the best evidence, and write a Micro CERS.

CLAIM – Mention the title, author and type of media.  Turn the prompt into a clear position.  (1 sentence)

EVIDENCE – State the best evidence to support your claim.  It may be a quotation from the text, or the best single point to prove your argument.  (1 sentence)

REASONING – Use logic to explain and elaborate how your evidence proves your claim.  (2 – 4 sentences).

SYNTHESIS – Briefly restate the claim using different wording

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Tips for writing Reasoning in CERS

Many students struggle with the Reasoning sections of C.E.R.S. writing.  Here is a guide to help:

Overall, Reasoning uses logic to explain, elaborate, interpret, and define the Evidence in order to prove the Claim

THINK OF the writing of Reasoning as being like a lawyer or a detective piecing together the puzzle pieces to prove who did a crime.

- Good Reasoning is NOT about adding more evidence. It’s about focusing on the evidence that you already provided. 

- Good Reasoning is NOT repeating the same information and being redundant. It’s about interpreting and explaining. 

- Good Reasoning is NOT about expressing unfounded opinions or feelings. It’s about using cold rational logic to create cause-and-effect relationships.

- Good Reasoning SPELLS OUT THE RELATIONSHIP between the ideas

- Good Reasoning uses SPECIFIC INFORMATION instead being, unfocused or unclear vague.

Example: Instead of saying “sick” say “heart attack” (if that is correct). Even better: instead of saying “heart attack” say “cardiac arrest.”
- Good Reasoning USES LOGIC to connect the dots in a cause-and-effect pattern to show the connection between your Evidence and your Claim

Sentence Starters: “Because… Therefore… As a result of… Logically, if… then… “This decision then triggers…”
- Good Reasoning may include RESTATING the Evidence in different, more understandable own words

Sentence Starters: “In other words… Or, to put it another way…”

- Good Reasoning is EXPLAINING WHAT MIGHT BE LEFT OUT of the Evidence but needs to be said

Sentence Starters: “In order to understand this, earlier in the novel… What she means by this statement is… This refers back to a scene in the story earlier when…”
- Good Reasoning may include providing a DEFINITION of an important word or term

Sentence Starters: “The definition of… The term [blank] is used here in the context of…”

- Good Reasoning logically explores HYPOTHETIC SITUATIONS, or “what if?” scenarios.

Sentence Starters: “If… then… One can imagine the possibility that…”

Outsiders Micro CERS #09

DUE on Thursday 12/13/18 before 3:15 pm. 

Chapter 9


Darry says, “I don’t know if you ought to be in this rumble, Pony,” (133), but Ponyboy insists on going.  

Look at the reasons different Greasers give for going to the rumble when Ponyboy asks them.  

Also, consider the risk of potential consequences of his fighting in the rumble.

Should Pony have gone to the rumble, or should he have stayed home? 

Remember to look at this question through the lens of the story world, NOT from the perspective of 2018 Birmingham. 

Take a position and write a Micro CERS.

CLAIM – Mention the title, author and type of media.  Turn the prompt into a clear position.  (1 sentence)

EVIDENCE – State the best evidence to support your claim.  It may be a quotation from the text, or the best single point to prove your argument.  (1 sentence)

REASONING – Use logic to explain and elaborate how your evidence proves your claim.  (2 – 4 sentences).

SYNTHESIS – Briefly restate the claim using different wording (1 sentence)

Monday, December 10, 2018

How to Review for a Sentence Composing Quiz

1)  Review your previous quizzes that were passed back.  Pay special attention to the errors and learn from your mistakes.

2)  Get help from the teacher during Flex Fridays, Rec periods, before and after school, and during transitions or down time during class.

3)  Ask a friend who understands to review concepts with you

4)  Review this blog, the Most Excellent Blog, for the slides we did in class for the two weeks prior to the assessment.

5)  Dig for supplemental resources such as videos or websites.   Students have reported good luck getting the same information put in a different way off of the Khan Academy and Youtube. 

6)  Review the "Word Bank / Cheat Sheet" that contains all of the core concepts.  Being able to quickly navigate this reference resource helps tremendously. 

Friday, December 7, 2018

Using Quotes within Quotes

Sometimes a student will want to include evidence that contains dialogue.  To do so they will need to substitute a single quote ( ' ), or an apostrophe, for the double quotes ( " ) within a text.

For example:

If the original text read:

The Big Bad Wolf huffed, and puffed, and blew the house down.

The citation might read:

"The Big Bad Wolf huffed, and puffed, and blew the house down," (15).

But if the original text had dialogue and read:

The Big Bad Wolf said, "I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house down!"

The citation might read:

"The Big Bad Wolf said, 'I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house down!'" (13).

Notice who you might actually have three quotes (a single and a double) in a row at the end of a quote with dialogue.

Tentative End of Year Schedule and Deadlines

Friday 12/7
Sentence Composing #67 
Assigned Micro CERS #8
Micro CERS #7 due end of day

Monday 12/10
Sentence Composing #68
Read The Outsiders Chapter 9
Tuesday 12/11
Sentence Composing #69 
Assign Micro CERS #9
Micro CERS #8 due end of day
Wednesday 12/12
Sentence Composing QUIZ (75 pts)
Read The Outsiders Chapter 10
Thursday 12/13
Sentence Composing #71 
Assign Micro CERS #10
Micro CERS #9 due end of day
Friday 12/14
Sentence Composing#72 
Read The Outsiders Chapter 11

Monday 12/17
Sentence Composing #73 
Assign Micro CERS #11
Micro CERS #10 due end of day
Tuesday 12/18
Sentence Composing #74 
Read The Outsiders Chapter 12
Wednesday 12/19
Micro CERS #11 due before school begins
Micro CERS #12 
Micro CERS #12 due end of hour
Thursday 12/20
Movie - The Outsiders
Friday 12/21
Movie - The Outsiders & Celebration

Sentence Composing #061 - #067 Direct and Indirect Objects

The Outsiders Micro CERS #08

DUE Tuesday 12/11/18 at 3:15 PM

Chapter 8


While laying in the hospital with a broken back and burns all over his body, Johnny refuses to see his own mother.  He says, “I said I don’t want to see her… She’s probably come to tell me about all the trouble I’m causing her and about how glad her and the old man’ll be when I’m dead.  Tell her to leave me alone,” (122).  

In this critical time in his life, did Johnny make the right choice by refusing to see his own mother?  Clearly they have had a difficult relationship.

Or conversely, despite their difficult relationship in the past, should he have agreed to let her visit him in the hospital?  It may have been the last chance for them to reconcile if he was to die.

Take a position and write a Micro CERS.

CLAIM – Mention the title, author and type of media.  Turn the prompt into a clear position.  (1 sentence)

EVIDENCE – State the best evidence to support your claim.  It may be a quotation from the text, or the best single point to prove your argument.  (1 sentence)

REASONING – Use logic to explain and elaborate how your evidence proves your claim.  (2 – 4 sentences).

SYNTHESIS – Briefly restate the claim using different wording.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The Outsiders Micro CERS #07

DUE:  Friday 12/7/18 by 3:15 PM


Randy says of his buddy's parents:

“They spoiled him rotten… they gave in to him all the time.  He kept trying to make someone say ‘No’ and they never did... That was what he wanted… For somebody to tell him, ‘No.'  To have somebody lay down the law, set the limits, give him something solid to stand on.  That’s what we all really want,” (116).  

Some might believe that Bob the Soc's parents' lack of discipline helped cause his death. If Bob’s parents had given him more consequences for his poor choices throughout his short life, do you think that that he would still be alive? 

Or, some might think that the way that Bob’s parents raised him had nothing to do with the violent, drunken bullying behavior that lead to his death.  Bad parenting had little or nothing to do with it.  He tormented the wrong boy one too many times -- and that boy snapped, murdering him.  Some might say that his parents had nothing to do with it.

Is Randy right in suggesting that poor parenting contributed to Bob’s murder?

Take a position and write a Micro CERS.

CLAIM (1 sentence) Mention the title, author and type of media.  Turn the prompt into a clear position.  

EVIDENCE (1 quote or idea) State the best evidence to support your claim.  It may be a quotation from the text, or the best single point to prove your argument.  *You may use the quote used in the prompt as evidence if you can't locate something better. 

REASONING (2 – 4 sentences) Use logic to explain and elaborate how your evidence proves your claim.

SYNTHESIS (1 sentence) Briefly restate the claim using different wording.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Simple Sentences Mini Lesson

To Review:  Simple sentences can have more than one subject and more than one predicate, but can only have one clause.

Simple Sentences

The dog slept.  
One subject, one predicate, one clause.

The dog and the cat slept.
Two subjects, one predicate, one clause.

The dog slept and ate.
One subject, two predicate, one clause.

The dog and cat slept and ate.
Two subjects, two predicate, one clause.

Compound Sentence

The dog ate and the cat slept.
                Two subjects, two predicates, two clauses.

This Week's Agenda