Monday, April 10, 2017

Sentence Composing #129 - #130

Hating himself, repulsed by what he was doing, Harry forced the goblet back toward Dumbledore’s mouth and tipped it for Dumbledore to drink what remained of the horrible potion inside.

Mr. Chappell’s Model #129:
Disappointed with herself, frustrated by the results she was getting, Clara booted the laptop into’s site and clicked it for Mr. Chappell to grade what evidence existed of the terrible grade within.

Eric’s Sentence:
Pleased with himself, training for the marathon, Joe stood at the starting line and waited for the gunshot to be heard bellowing its shrieking noise across the river bank.

Aadi’s Sentence:
Cursing himself, disgusted by yesterday’s match performance, Coach Jimmy lifted the gun towards the captain’s hand and offered it for Wayne to shoot what was left of his old and tired body.

Ella’s Sentence:
Admiring herself, delighted with what she was accomplishing, Sarah carried the child away from Pleasant Street’s fire and lowered it for the toddler to take shelter from what thrived from the deadly disaster nearby.

Mallory’s Sentence:
Rushing herself, worried about how late she was, Alexandra reached out for the keys and pushed them into the ignition slot waiting for the car engine to turn on.

Nick’s Sentence
Delighted with himself, smiling with the feedback he was receiving, Matt strapped on his light-up Skechers and checked the basketball court to see if there was a game going on.

Iman’s Sentence
Frightening herself, scared by images she was seeing, Coraline slammed the door shut beneath the witch’s lair and bolted away from the old hag to return home near the vast frog pond.

Brooke’s sentence
Happy with herself, excited by the work she had been doing, she forced the last words of the book report on the page and let out a sigh of relief and looked upon the A+ paper that she had just completed.

Grace’s sentence:
Happy with herself, proud of her test score, she ran with excitement toward her friend and gave her a high five for how well they both did on the test.

Marki’s sentence:
Questioning herself, remembering what she was doing, Sadie tried the problem again, on the paper and did it then became happy that her work was finally finished at the end of the hour.

Sofia’s sentence:
Excited for her student, smiling about what she did, Mrs. Marie kindly and proudly looked at Carly's grade and handed it to Carly to have her see what she got for working hard and being on task.

Our father, dreaming bitterly of Barbados, despised and mocked by his neighbors and ignored by his sons, held down his unspeakable factory job, spread his black gospel in bars on the weekend, and drank his rum.

His mother, working happily at GM, leading and coordinating her many projects and respected by her colleagues, held together her fragile little family, attended the Lutheran church on every Sunday, and ran her marathons.

Leo’s Sentence:
My father, talking angrily to his brother, ignored and avoided by him, and talked to him about his responsibilities, once again being ignored by him, this time would be the last, since they would never talk to again.

Alexander’s Sentence:
Our headmaster, thinking bitterly of Voldemort, disgusted and feared by dark wizards and delighted by good wizards, held down his astounding book, spread his brown wand around the hall, and ate some chocolate.

Finn’s Sentence:
Our boss, thinking angrily of his company, insulted and hated by his employees, and lost to his family, held together his failing small business, had his angry fits at home in the evenings, and ate his sandwiches.

Bryce’s sentence:
Our coach, infuriated tremendously by Thomas, tired and finished with his performance and finding his replacement, pulled him from the game in the third quarter, replaced him with Paul for the first time this season, and benched Thomas.

Ryan’s Sentence
Her son, thinking sadly of school, loathed and annoyed by the students and unseen by his teachers, kept up his unbelievable homework, shared his cheer on Fridays, and walked home.

Michael’s Sentence
Lebron James, thinking obsessively of his fourth future ring, hated and choked by Stephen Curry and mocked by his critics, put on his unthinkable huge sneakers, changed into his lucky socks on big games, and silenced the haters.

Catherine’s Sentence:
Her daughter, daydreaming joyfully of the weekend, loved and cared by her peers and adored by her parents, tried to get through the long week at school, took a short break, and celebrated Easter.

Ellie’s Sentence
Our coach, thinking constantly about the championship, represented and excited by her players and annoyed by the parents, held up her clipboard, distributed her game plan in the stands before the game, and sent us off.

Sofia’s sentence:
The family, waiting restlessly for their flight to start boarding, annoyed and tired of waiting and mad with Delta, sat in the uncomfortable airport chairs, took their carry ons onto the plane, and waited for the flight to take off.

Jacob’s sentence:
The hunter, waiting patiently for the animal to come in range, camouflaged and still by his surroundings and ignored by the deer, slowly picked up the rifle, put his hand on the trigger, and fired.

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