Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 11 - Opening Adjective Phrase

“Comfortable, I lay on my back and waited for sleep, and while waiting I thought of Dill.”

“Rigid, I began climbing the rungs, slightly reassured by having Finny right behind me.”

“Hungry, Thomas ate two portions of meat, nothing else.”

“Always meticulously neat, six-year-old Little Man never allowed dirt or tears or stains to mar anything he owned.”

“Quick as a flash, the boy leaped forward and grabbed the ball from Charles Wallace’s hand, then darted back into the shadows.”

“Clad in royal purple and ermine, he seated upon a throne which was at the same time both simple and majestic.”

“Prissy like a girl, Romney folded his hands in his lap and closed his eyes.

“Deeper and deeper, darker and darker, they sloshed through the cavernous sewer.”

“Full of fear, the rabbit paddles and struggled, got his head up and took a breath, scrabbled his claws against rough bricks under water and lost them again as he was dragged on.”

“Nervous, Jackson walked the diving board, and it appeared to him that the board shook violently, as if it were a trampoline.”

 “Desperate, Frodo drew his own sword, and it seemed to him that it flickered red, as if it were a firebrand.”

“Nervous, Jackson walked the diving board, and it appeared to him that the board shook violently, as if it were a trampoline.”

 “Late, Lewis began running faster and faster to homeroom class, until the vice principal, the hall duty teacher, and his homeroom teacher were all summoned there.”

“Curious, Captain Cook started walking round and round the tripod, until the clothesline, the penguin, Mr. Popper and the tripod were all tangled up.”

“Late, Lewis began running faster and faster to homeroom class, until the vice principal, the hall duty teacher, and his homeroom teacher were all summoned there.”

“Cheerful and exuberant, he was the kind of fellow to slap a man on the back with a greeting.”

“Lighthearted and optimistic, she was the sort of child to spread sunshine in a gathering through her smile.”

 “Numb of all feeling, empty as a shell, still he clung to life, and the hours droned by.”

“Full of vivid colors, vibrant as a rainbow, soon the garden burst into bloom, and the visitors lined up.”

 “Arrestingly handsome, George had dark blonde hair that cruised back from a part he kept just a nudge off center, as was the fashion.”

“Disturbingly quiet, Sarah had large somber eyes that looked out from face she left unadorned every day, as was her habit.”

 “Rigid with fear, sitting up in bed, I stared helplessly as a face rose up in the moonlit window.”

“Deep in the forest, there was a green lawn, and on that lawn stood a miserable little hut on hen’s legs, where lived Baba-Yaga, an old witch grandmother.”

“Full of fear, the rabbit paddled and struggled, got his head up and took a breath, scrabbled his claws against rough bricks under water and lost them again as he was dragged on.”

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