Thursday, September 27, 2012


Sentence Composing Models 1- 10

There was water to draw and linen to scrub, and, everlastingly, the endless rows of vegetables to weed and hoe.

When a child loves you for a long, long time, you become real.

When the bell rang for recess, he put on his red jacket and walked outside, alone.

In the hole lived Mr. Fox and Mrs. Fox and their four small Foxes.

Twice, when the train lurched, he sat up, looking around fiercely.

When the Boy dropped off to sleep, the Rabbit would snuggle down under the Boy’s warm chin and dream.

The darkness seemed to be pressing on their eyeballs as they stood terrified, waiting.

(1st hour)  Nobody said a word, waiting.

(2nd - 6th hour) Laughter, loud and warm from their long and intimate relationship, filled the room.

 Mr. Salt and Mrs. Teavee, the only women now left in the party, were getting very out of breath.

Choking back his fear, Taran leaped to his feet and plunged into the undergrowth.       

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