Our new, regularly scheduled Zoom meeting is to provide students with support for learning. Please bring your questions. If you want to pop in just to say "hi," that's great! But the primary purpose is not social or for being silly.
You all need to know that I'm here for you, I care, and I'm committed to making the best of the rest of our year together. Let's get this started!
Participants must be visible to the host and have a recognizable name (no nicknames) in order to be admitted from the Waiting Room into the Zoom Meeting.
As the host teacher, I can and will remove any students who are being disrespectful towards others, or are behaving in a manner that appears to not be there for learning.
If the meeting becomes too crowded, I'll take groups of several students at a time to answer questions. If that is the case, you may need to wait your turn in the Waiting Room and I will admit you as soon as I can.
Day and Time: Wednesdays between 10:15 AM and 11:15 AM.
Personal Meeting ID: 360-051-1821
Password: excellent
Join URL: https://zoom.us/j/3600511821?pwd=Q1VhMzY4UjloZ1Zsa1FNVHlrTkIwUT09
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