Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Recommended study techniques for Paragraph Editing:

1.    Use a highlighter to highlight every error you made on the 12 sheets.
2.    Catalog the errors you made by type (spelling, punctuation, etc.)
3.    Identify what categories you most often have issues with.
4.    Remember our class discussions.   We had Q&A sessions for every sheet so make sure that you spoke up and recall what the instruction was.
5.    Use the Writer’s Handbook to review those categories.   This
6.    As needed, you may want to supplement the classroom instruction and Writer’s Handbook with some internet research on specific categories.
7.    Meet with the teacher, a friend, a grown up, or an older sibling to get support.  Mr. Chappell is available during REC period most days if you arrive in a timely manner.

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