Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Sentence Composing Journals #041 - #080

DEADLINE:  Friday, 1/18/19 by 3:15 pm

Students will submit only their original sentences from their sentence composing journals, numbering from #041 - #080.

DO NOT include the mentor sentences!

Make sure that they are numbered accurately and spaced apart like this:

#041 kajsdfkl;asjdf ;lasjkdf;l ajksdfl;asdjkf;alsdfjka sd;flkjasdf ;l

#042 asdfajsl;kdfja l;ksdfjal;k sfjakl;sd jfl;aksj dfl;kasdjf l;ksd


#080 l;ajksdf asl;dfjkal;sdfjal;skdfjlaksdjfl;askjfl;k jk as;dlfkj l;kj

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Close Reader Deadline Extended

The deadline for the Unit 5 Anne Frank Close reader work that we've been doing is going to be extended until next week.

We only got a few pages of it done today and I want the class to go over as much of the close reader as possible.  So, we'll be going over it this Thursday and will be going into some of next week as well.

Mr. Chappell

End of Quarter - Suggestions

Just a friendly reminder of our procedure:

If you turn in work to and it isn't in Powerschool after a few days, have a conversation with the teacher (me, Mr. Chappell). does not send notifications of late work, so the student NEEDS TO let the teacher know.

If there are any tech issues, or if you think that you turned in something that hasn't been marked, rather than getting stressed, just have a conversation.

Remember, we dedicate an entire day to helping students on Flex Friday.  That's your day, so use it.  :)

Mr. Chappell

Friday, January 11, 2019

Monday, January 7, 2019

Diary of Anne Frank Vocabulary on Quizlet

Due Date:  Quiz will be given Tuesday 1/22/19.  

Quizlet link:

Printable Study Guide PDF

CLOSE READER: Unit 5, The Diary of Anne Frank

DUE DATE:  Tuesday at the end of the day, 3:15 PM on 1/15/19 to

DIRECTIONS:  The following tasks will be done in class over four days.  On the fifth day you will partner up and compare your answers.  What you don't finish in class must be done as homework.

You will need to physically underline and (circle) in your Close Reader workbook as well as answer the questions in the workbook in a google Doc to be submitted to

Link to PDF File: