Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Quizlet Vocabulary - Echo Book 1

We will be having a quiz on 53 different vocabulary terms from book one of our novel, Echo.

The quiz will tentatively take place on Monday, 12/11/17.

Here is the link:

Best of lucky studying!

Monday, November 27, 2017

This Week's Agenda

Echo Reading Comprehension Questions - Week 1

The following questions are due to on Monday 12/4/17 at 8 AM

*Every answer must be written in the form of full, complete sentences.  You may answer with more than one sentence.  

Prologue, Page 2-3

1. “Fifty years before the war to end all wars…” (2). What war is the author
referring to?

2. Why was it “strictly forbidden” to run into the forest?

3. What did the boy buy from a Gypsy? What did he discover about his new item?

Prologue, A Witch, a Kiss, a Prophecy

4. Why did the king abandon his baby girl?

5. What does the witch name the baby?

6. What prophecy does the midwife give the baby? What does it mean?

7. What does the witch name the second daughter?

8. What does the witch name the third baby?

9. Do the girls ever hear the chime that was delivered to them in the prophecy? If so, what does it mean?

Prologue, A Secret, a Spell, a Final Deed

10. Are the three sisters grateful of the witch? Why or why not?

11. What two things were the sisters grateful of?

12. What happened to the three sisters?

13. What items does Otto acquire in the forest?

14. Is there a reason why there are THREE sisters? What is the significance with the number 3?

15. What is a messenger? Is it a positive or a negative thing? Explain your answer.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Independent Reading Assignments the novel Echo

Thanksgiving Homework

There is a date typo in the HMH Collections textbook independent reading guide.

Please note that this assignment is due on Monday 11/27/17, not Monday 12/4/17.

The final block of text should read:

Public Service Announcement by Stephanie Ramirez on page 266

Answer page 267 #1 - #3 and submit to before 8:15 am.  

Here is the link: Driving Distracted

Make sure that you put your evidence in "quotation marks" when quoting any written selections from the poster.  You may also choose to optionally highlight the text evidence, as we've done in class. 

This Week's Agenda

Friday, November 17, 2017

HMH Corrections Homework Correction


On the HMH Collections Independent Reading Assignment sheet there is a typo.

For Monday 11/20/17 there are only 2 questions due, not 3.

Due on Monday 11/20/17 read page 264 from the HMH Collections textbook and watch the link below.  Then answer questions #1 and #2 on page 265.

Here is a working link to look at the video:

Last, submit your answers to  It is due Monday 11/20/17 morning at 8:15 AM.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Great Quote from the SAT

"Proficiency in writing is the single best predictor of academic success in college." 

-- Kobrin, J. L. (2012). The SAT Essay and College Performance: Understanding What Essay Scores Add to HSGPA and SAT.