Friday, April 29, 2016

Sentence Composing - Prepositions

Due Date:  Friday, 4/6/16 by 3:14  pm

Link to Criterion:

Prompt Title:  "Sentence Composing - Prepositions"

UNDERLINE the prepositions in your original sentences.

Number your sentences in the order we did them according to the PowerPoint slides.

Link to PowerPoint Slides:


1. Within two minutes, or even less, he had forgotten all his troubles.

2. On the whole enormous prairie, there was no sign that any other human being had ever been there.

3. To his home, to his comfort, to the bringing up of their children, to the garden and her greenhouse, to the local church, and to her patchwork quilts, Margaret had happily given her life.

4. The man in black, on a coal-black horse, galloped up to the wall gate and disappeared like a great dark shadow.

5. Jonas, from his place in the balcony with the Elevens, searched the auditorium for a glimpse of his father.

6. The morning was still, with no movement in the wide and lonely land.

7. Terrified, Bilbo tried to run faster, but suddenly he struck his toes on a snag in the floor, and fell flat, with his little sword under him.

8. Janet and the Tiger went racing back, over the country and over the town, over houses and churches and mountains and rivers, across the park and along the street.

9. The fire made him think of home, of food and warmth and company, of faces around the evening circle, of the drone of old men's voices, telling their endless tales of daring.

10. They tiptoed from room to room, afraid to speak above a whisper and gazing with a kind of awe at the unbelievable luxury, at the beds with their feather mattresses, the looking-glasses, the horsehair sofa, the Brussels carpet, the lithograph of Queen Victoria over the drawing-room mantelpiece. 

Monday, April 25, 2016

Criterion Options K or L - Argument Essays

Assignments are due Monday. May 9th (5/9/16).

Student Samples Scored 6/6:

Option K - Night Owl


Prompt:  Now that you are in the eighth grade, you think your bedtime should be moved back by one hour. Your parents aren't sure that this is a good idea, but they are willing to consider your argument. Write a practice essay that explains your reasons for wanting a later bedtime. As you make your argument, be sure to address any objections your parents are likely to make about your proposal.

Option L - Student Working

PROMPT:  Many students work part-time while going to school. For example, they may baby sit, have a paper route, mow lawns, or pet sit. Explain whether or not you think working while going to school is a good idea. Give several reasons and examples.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Friday, April 1, 2016